I’m a digital designer with a passion for analog books. Currently, I’m a Senior Product Designer developing and systematizing a Design System tailored for the Music Industry. When I’m not deeply immersed in Figma, I read, think and write about robots, natural language processing, and emotional design.

Utopia Music Design System

Product Design ・ Design System

In my position as a Senior Product Designer I am currently developing and systemizing a Design System for Utopia Music. No products have been released yet based on this system, so despite not being able to showcase more visuals, I'm excited to discuss my process and approach.

Dark Horse Design System

Branding ・ Design System

Creating a Design System for a Multi Service Innovation Agency. During my time as an Art Director at the Innovation Agency Dark Horse I , I oversaw and executed a comprehensive rebranding initiative. I worked closely with the Dark Horse team to understand its needs and visions. The new Design System been implemented across various media, from their website to presentation and letter templates, ensuring that every touchpoint with customers and partners is on-brand and conveying a strong and distinctive message. This has resulted in a cohesive and consistent brand identity that reflects the company’s values and vision.

COLORS Community Dao

UX Design ・ Branding ・ Web 3

Designing a User Experience for a Web 3 Community.
I designed the Brand Identity for the COLORSxSTUDIOS Decentralized Autonomous Organization and the Minting Experience for the Community Member NFT.

More Projects

AI & Design ・ Writing

German Thesis about the influence of Natural Language Processing and Sentiment Analysis on Design

Read Thesis

Book ・ Art Direction

Designing a bestselling book trilogy for Dark Horse Innovation Agency.

Digital Innovation Playbook 2019
New Workspace Playbook 2020
Future Organization Playbook 2023

Data Viz ・ Web

Visualizing emotional content a varying granularity.

Let’s work together.

Let’s work together.